5 Unique Ways to Team Up for Terry

In 2020, Burlington Terry Fox Run teams had to get creative to participate in our virtual event. For 2021, the Terry Fox Run will once again be virtual, making us once again put our thinking caps on.

If you’re not sure what to do this year, get inspired by some of our top performing teams from last year.

  • Scavenger Hunt – Team Casey: That’s right, make your day a bit more interesting by dividing your group into smaller teams and have them set out on a scavenger hunt. That’s just what Team Casey did and it was a tons of fun! Due to the virtual nature of the 2020 Terry Fox Run, they wanted to do an activity that team members could do in their own time. The Scavenger Hunt consisted of places and things dear to the late Casey Cosgrove. The hunt ended at the Terry Fox Monument – something Casey worked hard towards getting installed.
Members of Team Casey on the Scavenger Hunt
  • Hike – Team Carden: Nothing beats getting out of the city and into nature. I’m sure by now you’ve all walked through your neighbourhood so much you’ve lost count. Make your Terry Fox Run day extra special by going on a nature hike. The Carden family hiked the Bruce Trail – one of many nearby hiking trails in this area. The Carden’s used to host a famous lemonade stand, but due to COVID restrictions pivoted to other ideas.
Sean, Tanya, Grace and Izzy Carden on the Bruce Trail
  • Distance Challenge – Team Cedar Springs: Challenge your team to reach a distance goal leading up to the Terry Fox Run. Team Cedar Springs aims to run the number of kilometres that Terry did when he reached Burlington. They aim to do it by July 13 – the date that Terry came through our beautiful city.
Team Cedar Springs
  • Head Shave – Team Wilson / adidas: If you’re brave and willing to bet your precious hair against your fundraising goal you can do what Team Wilson did. Janette Wilson, member of the greater Team Adidas, promised to go bald for Terry once she reached a certain number. She did it and rocked a very cute pixie cut as a result.
Janette Wilson getting her head shaved.
  • Barbecue – Team Foxy – Following provincial guidelines of course, celebrate your Terry Fox Run with a backyard barbecue after your run. It’s a great way to celebrate your accomplishment. Team Foxy ran and walked to the Terry Fox Monument and back, then celebrated with a physically distanced barbecue lunch!
Team Foxy BBQ

What did your team do in 2020? What are you planning for 2021? If you have a story to tell, contact us today at Terryfoxburlington@gmail.com!

Written by Allison Webster, Burlington Terry Fox Run Committee Member

Photo sourced from teams and Burlington Terry Fox Run achieves.

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