5 Ways to Incorporate Terry Fox into Your Canada Day Celebrations

Canada Day 2021 will once again feel a little different than past years. While Ontario is reopening in many ways, it’s still not possible to gather in large numbers yet. But that’s okay. Burlingtonians are resilient, creative and caring.

For us, Canada Day used to be an opportunity for us to kick off our event – promoting the Terry Fox Run by handing out temporary tattoos, maple cookies and Canada flag pins. Since that cannot happen this year, we too will have to pivot and do it virtually or in small groups in our own neighbourhoods

Since our run has to be virtual, our promotion will be, as well.

Happy Canada Day
  1. Kick off your fundraising efforts – Even if you’ve already registered and started fundraising, make a push for donations on Canada Day. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and neighbours that this year you want to celebrate this incredible country of ours by raising money for cancer research. It goes without saying that 2020 and 2021 has been a challenging time, both mentally and physically, but let Terry Fox be the light and inspiration to keep you going. Canada Day 2021 will be an opportunity to #TrylikeTerry.
  2. Wear your Terry Fox shirt – Sure you could go with the classic red and white Canada Day shirt, but in our opinion a Terry Fox shirt is about as Canadian as butter tarts and poutine! When you buy a Terry Fox shirt the proceeds go towards cancer research. Wear last year’s shirt or a classic one from the early years. Stay tuned for an announcement on 2021 shirt sales.
  3. Do some Terry Fox trivia – Are you having a family barbecue? Go around the dinner table and ask some Terry Fox Trivia questions. The Terry Fox Foundation has a handy list of Terry facts you can use to make up questions. You could add some fun Canada themed prizes for the winners.
  4. Go for a run/walk – Kick off your summer by going on a Canada Day run or walk. Have you teamed up for Terry yet? Do a physically distanced run or walk with your team to celebrate this Canadian hero!
  5. Read some Terry Fox books –  There are plenty of Terry Fox books available, including several children’s titles. Enjoy some summer reading by educating yourself and your family with some of the many titles about Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope. Find them at your local book store.

Happy Canada Day

The Burlington Terry Fox Committee wishes each and every one of you a Happy Canada Day. Don’t lose hope. Think of Terry!

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