Team Up for Terry: Team Casey

“This disease will not take away my ability and wish to inspire” – Casey Cosgrove

Diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in May of 2010, Casey Cosgrove found himself more connected to his childhood hero, Terry Fox – a man he’d had the pleasure of running beside in 1980 as a kid. Cosgrove knew that supporting the Terry Fox Foundation was something he had to do, so in 2011, Team Casey was born.

Photo of Casey as a child next to Terry Fox as he ran through Burlington in 1980

By 2012, Team Casey had grown so much that Casey and his wife Bryna decided to make shirts for every member to wear. With 80 to 200 participants, Team Casey is one of Burlington’s largest teams – made up of family and friends of the Cosgroves and beyond.

Just week’s before the 2017 run, Casey sadly lost his battle to cancer. That year Team Casey made special memorial shirts and included the Terry Fox Run as part of Cosgrove’s celebration of life. That morning the team gathered to run and walk in Casey’s memory, then later in the afternoon attend a memorial service. That year Team Casey raised over $20,000, and has raised over $60,000 since 2011.

Team Casey 2017

The Monument

Casey lived his life forging meaningful connections with people. He used these connections to spread love and positivity. In 2015, he joined the Terry Fox Monument committee – a group of individuals raising funds to install a Terry Fox Monument in Spencer Smith Park – located along Terry’s route when he ran through the city on July 13, 1980.

Casey was integral in the fundraising, calling up his friends and acquaintances to help. Finally, after months of hard work, the completed mile marker was unveiled on a particularly cold day in May of 2016.

The project was not without hiccups. One challenge was figuring out how the monument would be supported. Casey enlisted the help of a friend who built decks to ensure this monument would remain upright!

Casey Cosgrove unveiling the monument with chair Greg Costa

Team Casey taken to the next Level

In memory of her husband, and to help other families like hers, Bryna Cosgrove is working on something very cool. Prior to the pandemic, she envisioned an organization that would help families of those facing health challenges – acute and long-term – with their day-to-day lives so that they can free up time to be with their loved one. The name of this organization? Team Casey of course.

Casey was always one to lend a hand and be there for others, and the Cosgroves are equally grateful for those who were there for them during Casey’s illness. Team Casey would be a way to give back.

Going Virtual

Of course the 2020 Terry Fox Run was a virtual event and so is the up-coming 2021 event. Team Casey was one of the teams who really thought outside of the box for the 40th anniversary. They came up with a scavenger hunt, where participants would visit significant places from Casey’s life and snap a photo. Bryna asked that everyone tagged their photos on social media #TeamCasey.

While the team is still brainstorming ideas for 2021, we are certain that Team Casey will do something special – as they are always up to the challenge.

Register Your Team

Are you inspired by Team Casey’s story? Create your own team and raise money for cancer research.

You can also help by sponsoring Team Casey!

Written by Allison Webster, Burlington Terry Fox Run Committee Member

Photo sourced from Burlington Terry Fox Run achieves and Bryna Cosgrove.

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