Terry Fox Day, Your Way

While we’re excited to once again be planning a live, in-person event down by our beautiful waterfront in Spencer Smith Park for September 17, 2023, we understand that some people have other commitments or would rather plan their own events. This is why we’re happy to let you know that you can still participate. TheContinue reading “Terry Fox Day, Your Way”

5 Ways to Prepare for Your Terry Fox Run or Walk

The Terry Fox Run day is less than a week away, so whether you’re running in your neighbourhood, or heading to Spencer Smith Park, you will likely need to prepare. Whether your walking or running, it never hurts to be ready! Here are our tips for preparing for your Terry Fox run or walk thisContinue reading “5 Ways to Prepare for Your Terry Fox Run or Walk”

5 Ways to Incorporate Terry Fox into Your Canada Day Celebrations

Canada Day 2021 will once again feel a little different than past years. While Ontario is reopening in many ways, it’s still not possible to gather in large numbers yet. But that’s okay. Burlingtonians are resilient, creative and caring. For us, Canada Day used to be an opportunity for us to kick off our eventContinue reading “5 Ways to Incorporate Terry Fox into Your Canada Day Celebrations”

5 Unique Ways to Team Up for Terry

In 2020, Burlington Terry Fox Run teams had to get creative to participate in our virtual event. For 2021, the Terry Fox Run will once again be virtual, making us once again put our thinking caps on. If you’re not sure what to do this year, get inspired by some of our top performing teamsContinue reading “5 Unique Ways to Team Up for Terry”

Fox Footsteps: Burlington Scavenger Hunt

Looking for something fun and Terry Fox related to do with the kids? How about a local scavenger hunt? A couple of Burlington Terry Foxers (myself included) took a walk downtown with a pair of the coveted limited edition Adidas Terry Fox replica shoes to be part of the #FoxFootsteps challenge. We thought it mightContinue reading “Fox Footsteps: Burlington Scavenger Hunt”

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